Choice Paralysis
Choice paralysis, also known as analysis paralysis, is a psychological phenomenon in which an individual is unable to make a decision when presented with a large number of options. The person may become overwhelmed and unable to choose because they are afraid of making the wrong decision or missing out on a better option.

Choice paralysis can occur in many different contexts, from choosing what to wear or what to eat to making important decisions about career paths, relationships, or financial investments.

This phenomenon can lead to stress, anxiety, and decision fatigue, which can affect an individual's mental and emotional well-being. In extreme cases, it can also lead to procrastination, avoidance, or the inability to make any decision at all, which can have negative consequences on an individual's personal and professional life.

To overcome choice paralysis, some people find it helpful to limit their options, set clear priorities, or break down the decision-making process into smaller, more manageable steps. Others may seek advice from trusted friends, family members, or professionals to help them make an informed decision.

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